Thursday, January 11, 2007

Day Five: Sanding, Sanding and Sanding

This is what it looks like when your Kitchen is in a pile. Believe me, it was at one time far more organized than this. It's never been so difficult to locate a box of cereal! But I have to admit, I've grown quite fond of my Boston Market frozen dinners. Don't mind the little Christmas tree, we'll take it down eventually....

Today was all sanding. That is the hard part, and surely the messiest. It looks like right now we are on track to paint on Saturday, which is a good thing. Steph's wonderful mom (Hi Char!) is coming down Saturday to help with the painting, so hopefully we'll get it done then so they can finish Sunday and Monday.

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention the leaky window! When the guys tore down the soffit, they uncovered a pretty substantial leak from the upstairs window. The original window wasn't installed properly, so water would just sit on the window ledge. Eventually the wood rotted and started to leak into the house. We obviously weren't able to see it because it was behind the soffit. They're putting a new window in the "tent room" (it's in the peak of the house and shaped like a tent) so we don't ruin our newly drywalled ceiling. That should be done tomorrow.

Thanks Steph for the photo idea!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ahhhh... the joys of remodeling. One thing turns into another, which of course shows a issue with something else. But isn't this what owning a house is all about. Can't wait to see the new kitchen.