Friday, February 02, 2007

Lofty Perch

I know I promised not too many "cat shots", but these two were just begging for it. They never sit still this long. Surprisingly, this shot was very challenging. I took approximately 20 shots before I got this one. The lighting situation was very poor, so I had to use a flash. Normally, I use a technique called "bounce lighting" or "bounce flash" for this kind of shot. You aim the flash to reflect off the ceiling, and it softens the light and gives the subject a very natural look. That way you avoid getting the very hard shadows directly behind the subject.

In this case, since Punkin was in the top of the shot very near the ceiling, so he was getting much more light than Cotton at the bottom. I was having difficulty lighting everything in a uniform way. In the end, I managed to get just the look I wanted with near-perfect lighting. I did get a slight shadow in the upper right corner of the shot, but overall I'm happy how it turned out. I'm really pleased how this blog has forced me to think again about composition, lighting, and all the other technical aspects of photography.

I know, a cat shot coupled with come technical nonsense.... Pretty riveting stuff, right?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you're puttin' your photography skills, and your artistic eye back to work. Love Dad