Friday, May 11, 2007

Favorite Shots #6: Infrared

Today was another of those days, so I decided to share this shot. Infrared photography is something I dabbled in while taking photography classes at RVC. Infrared photography is done with a special type of film and with a black filter over the lens. The filter only allows the infrared radiation to get to the film, so you get these very surreal images. Plant life really reflects infrared radiation, so everything you see in the images as white is reflceting a lot. Things like water, tree bark, and the sky that reflect little to no infrared, come out as black. Infrared prints really don't scan too well, so this doesn't really do the print much justice. I also have another awesome shot of Punkin sitting in the grass, but the scan is pretty bad.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I REALLY like this shot. I'm dying for some prints to frame for our house (infrared #6).