Monday, August 20, 2007

Railroad, Rust, and Strays

Days like today, when I'm at a loss for something to write about and shoot, it's sometimes good to go out and just walk. It's amazing the things you see looking through the camera lens that you would never normally even look at. Tonight I took a walk down the alley alongside our house, and was surprised by what I found. It's interesting little things like this that make living in a small, old town pretty interesting. It makes me wonder how long this box has been hanging on that telephone pole. When was it put there? When was the last time it was opened? Was is its purpose? Something like this I wouldn't normally give a second glance, but looking through the lens can make it interesting. Here's a couple more:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Baby!! Let's bring him home! :)

PS I like these shots!