Monday, September 10, 2007

Forced Maintenance

Today we received a letter from our town president, regarding the sidewalk in front of our house. The bar next door received a complaint about the condition of the sidewalk after stepping into a hole making a delivery. The town has taken it upon themselves to get two quotes to replace the entire stretch of sidewalk on the East side of the street. No problem, right? Well, after approving one of the estimates, then then passed an ordinance requiring the residents adjacent to the construction to pay for half of the cost. Turns out our portion is going to run about $1,000. Needless to say, we weren't happy. Granted, the sidewalk does need to be replaced, but I have serious questions about the legality of the newly passed ordinance, and the timing of the whole thing. It just seems like they passed it simply to push some of the costs to the three properties and away from the Village. Unfortunately, to hire a lawyer to try to answer these questions just isn't an option. It would likely cost us far more to fight this than it would to just pay what they're asking. I just have to try to look at this from the bright side, and think how it will improve the "curb appeal" of the house when we hopefully sell it within the next couple years.

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