Friday, September 14, 2007

Major News!

Okay, I admit it. I didn't take this photo. What you're looking at is the very first photograph of our unborn child. That's right, we're having a baby! We've known for a few weeks now that Steph was pregnant, but since she hadn't told anyone at work yet (except for dad of course), she asked me to hold of blogging about it until she did. So now you know! Steph had her first appointment a couple days ago, and also the first ultrasound. She's about 8 weeks along, and the due date is May 1st. As I said, we knew about this a couple weeks ago, but it hadn't really hit me until I saw this picture. I guess it was just hard to believe it was true, but there's no denying it now. It's been in my thoughts so much for the last few weeks, but for the aformentioned reasons, I couldn't really "discuss" it here. It's just a relief to be able to blog about it now.


Anonymous said...

Hey cuz, congrats to you and Stephanie!

Anonymous said...

Congrats!!! Thats so awesome that there is going to be a baby roach!!!

Anonymous said...


I was having another look at the little one and Jason I think he/she has your ears.

Love you mom

Tell Step. to take care!!!