Friday, May 11, 2007

Favorite Shots #6: Infrared

Today was another of those days, so I decided to share this shot. Infrared photography is something I dabbled in while taking photography classes at RVC. Infrared photography is done with a special type of film and with a black filter over the lens. The filter only allows the infrared radiation to get to the film, so you get these very surreal images. Plant life really reflects infrared radiation, so everything you see in the images as white is reflceting a lot. Things like water, tree bark, and the sky that reflect little to no infrared, come out as black. Infrared prints really don't scan too well, so this doesn't really do the print much justice. I also have another awesome shot of Punkin sitting in the grass, but the scan is pretty bad.


My ISP sucks. Once again, my internet was out last night so I was unable to post. I had this idea of talking about different wines that I enjoy, and how working 3rd shift has severely limited the times I'm able to enjoy a glass of wine, but now that it's 7:30 in the morning the following day, all that has slipped my mind. Meh. Guess I'll have to save that for another day. In the mentime, here's a bottle that I enjoy. One of the few White Zinfandels I actually like, it has a crisp, sweet flavor without being overwhelmingly sweet. The sweetness isn't a sugary sweetness, but instead is fruity, which I really enjoy.

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Third Shift Annoyance #7: Day Sleeper

I sleep with a fan on. I always have, and it's likely I always will. As a result, I'm a pretty light sleeper. The slightest odd noise, or even a change in modulation of the white noise the fan produces will wake me up. This creates an unfortunate situation for my day sleeping. In the winter it's not an issue because all the windows are closed. In the summer, however, even with the fan running, having windows open in the bedroom just isn't an option. The last couple days the temps have climbed into the 80's, and believe me, it's been hot in there. I can only imagine what it will be like in the dog days of August when we're nearing the 100° mark.

Tuesday, May 08, 2007


This is Punk's favorite time of year. He finally gets to go outside after a long winter being shut up indoors. Unfortunately for us, he lets us know continuously that he should be outside. He sits by that door nearly every night howling to be let out. Then, if we don't get the hint, he'll often run into the living room and attempt to dig a massive hole in the middle of the carpet. Either that, or he'll begin chasing the other cats all over the house. Basically he tries to cause as much trouble as he can so we'll want to put him out. We love him, but he's a pain in the ass sometimes.

Monday, May 07, 2007

Unfinished Business

I have a problem. I have about 40 to 50 games for my various game systems, and of these games, I've finished about 15 of them. I know I'm not alone, if any of you are gamers like I am, I'm sure this is a common problem. I've moved the bulk of my games to a small shelf next to our entertainment center, and hopefully seeing all these titles sitting unfinished will motivate me to go back to some of them.

Sunday, May 06, 2007

Warmer Days

With the warmer days here, I finally able to knock the dust off my favorite shoes and wear them again. I have about 4 different pairs of Chucks, and if you've ever worn them before, you'll know that wearing them in the winter is all but asking for frostbitten toes. No matter how thick you socks are, or how many pairs you're wearing, these thing will not keep your feet warm. It's too bad really, because next to flip-flops, these are the closest you can be to not wearing shoes. They're so comfortable and light weight that it feels like you're wearing nothing on your feet.

I found this awesome picture on Wikipedia, and thought I'd put it on here as well. This is just a sampling of the may different varieties of Chuck Taylors out there.

Poker Night Made Me Late!

It's all Cory's fault. He made me go play poker tonight, so I missed my deadline once again. It was worth it though, I left his house $80 ahead....

We played a tournament style Texas Hold 'Em game with 14 people attending. It was a good group of people, with everyone there just to have a good time. We started at around 7, and finished roughly at midnight with myself holding all the chips. I really have to rein in my competitive nature for most of the night and try to remember that most of these people are just trying to have a good time. It's difficult, but I manage. Overall I had a great time playing poker with good people, and that's all that really matters.