Saturday, November 17, 2007
(Early) Turkey Day
Tonight we took a trip to Pecatonica for the Johnson family Thanksgiving dinner. I brought the Wii along, and of course, it was a hit. It never ceases to amaze me the reaction it continuously gets from people I would never consider "gamers." But of course, the Wii isn't for gamers. This is exactly the target audience. I guess I'm okay with that. To see the reaction someone has when they bowl that first strike is just priceless.
Not to mention watching my four year old niece Juliana play it. It's freaking hilarious.
After dinner, when things began to slow down, I started playing around with our nephew Joey. He's such a camera hog, and he loves to pose. After every shot, he made me turn the camera around so he could see the display. He'd say, "There's Joey!"
Friday, November 16, 2007
At The Car Wash
The last time Steph and I went through the car wash, I was amazed at the simple beauty of these three different colored soaps running down the windshield. It was as if some masterpiece of abstract art was randomly created right in front of our eyes. I promised myself that next time I'd bring my camera, so this time I did. It's funny how the oddest things can surprise you with something beautiful.
Tomorrow we go to Steph's Mom & Dad's place for Thanksgiving dinner. It is a bit early, but everyone's always busy on Thanksgiving weekend, so it makes sense. I'll be bringing my camera of course, and I will also be bringing the Wii. It should be interesting to see how everyone reacts.
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Nursury Colors: After
Well, I finally finished the painting. I actually finished a couple nights ago, when I stayed home "sick" from work. We decided to go with a more neutral color, since we are hoping to move in a couple years, and we don't want to repaint. I even re-painted the ceiling, which as many of you are aware, is a major (literal) pain in the neck. I used this really cool paint that goes on purple, but when it dries, it's completely white. This lets you see where you've missed. Very helpful!
I have some news today regarding yesterday's post. My buddy Rich, whose father works at Leading Edge, called his dad to try and find out if they filled the position yet. As it turns out, they have not. They had two other interviewees, but have yet to hire anyone. The reason they are waiting is because they are considering a reorganization instead, that will take those people I would have been leading, and putting them under another lead. The bottom line is, there is still an off chance they may be calling me with an offer, but I'm not holding my breath.
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Waiting For the Call....
It's been nearly two weeks since I interviewed at Leading Edge Hydraulics, and I have yet to hear back from them. I really don't know how long these things usually take, but I really wanted the job. Frankly I'm feeling a little frustrated. At this point I'm just going to assume I didn't get the job. Hopefully I'm wrong and I hear from them in the next couple days, but I'm not going to hold my breath.
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Scaredy Cat!
The funniest thing happened this morning. My sister Kathie sent me a video of this pug dog that is supposedly saying "I Love You." Being the cat person that I am, I had to counter with this gem. As those of you who share my love for YouTube are well aware, looking at one video on YouTube can quickly suck away a lot of time . While I was meandering through the site, I came across the video below. When I played it, Punkin went crazy. His ears went haywire, rotating this way and that. He began circling my chair, looking for the cat he just knew was there. When I put the laptop on the floor, he took one look at the cat, started backpedaling, then botled away.
What a chicken.
Needless to say, I did it again about 10 times, then started looking for other "talking cats" to see how he'd react. Torture? Nah. Funny? Absolutely.
By the way, I had to bait him with catnip in order to get this shot. As soon as I hit play, I snapped two shots, and he bolted. :)
Monday, November 12, 2007
Helpful Reading
When we found out we were having a baby, on Steph's first trip to the doctor they gave her some really great reading material. This magazine, As Your Baby Grows, has some of the most remarkable photography I have ever seen. It shows the growth and development of a baby from conception to birth. It's really fascinating to see what it looks like from the inside as opposed to ultrasounds. Speaking of which, on December 12th will be our 20 week ultrasound. This should be when we will find out (and yes, we will find out....) the sex of the baby!
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Done? Not yet....
Didn't finish the painting today, but I should get it done within the next few days. I was surprised to find I did have enough tape to mask off the trim, but after waking around 2:30, then watching the Bears game, I haven't had the time today to do any actual painting. I've got to go into work early tonight, but I should have time this week to finish it up.
I started painting the baby's room today! No, I no longer think of that room as "my office," it is without a doubt the baby's room. I got the color on the walls, but I decided to wait to do the trim until the color was completely dry. This way, I can tape off the edges without pulling off paint when I remove it. The original colors were quite dark, but a coat of primer and two coats of color covered it up nicely. The white trim may be another story. That was really dark.
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