Sometimes it feels like the only thing I accomplished on a weekend was getting a few loads of laundry done. Is that normal, or is that a "I Sleep During the Day" third shift thing? There's really not a whole lot you can do at 2:14 am, so I guess I shouldn't feel too bad about it. I also spent about 2 hours on Amazon doing some Christmas prep. At least now, being the self-imposed recluse that I am, I can still get some shopping done. Oh, and laundry too. 2 months to go....
Saturday, December 08, 2007
Late Nights, Laundry
Sometimes it feels like the only thing I accomplished on a weekend was getting a few loads of laundry done. Is that normal, or is that a "I Sleep During the Day" third shift thing? There's really not a whole lot you can do at 2:14 am, so I guess I shouldn't feel too bad about it. I also spent about 2 hours on Amazon doing some Christmas prep. At least now, being the self-imposed recluse that I am, I can still get some shopping done. Oh, and laundry too. 2 months to go....
Friday, December 07, 2007
Overcoming Illness
The last few days have been rough. I've been battling a particularly nasty cold, and it's forced me to miss a couple days of work. I'm feeling much better today compared to yesterday, but I'm still not out of the woods. My voice has dropped a few octaves, and I'm coughing up some spectacularly green stuff. Not a lot of fun at all.
Oh, and you're not imagining things. I did indeed miss a day. That day I was really sick, and I actually spent the last two hours before leaving for work asleep in the recliner. The way I was feeling, posting on the blog was the last thing on my mind. Had it been in March or some earlier month, I'd have surely posted something. Considering how close I am to the end of this thing, I think I'll let it slide....
Wednesday, December 05, 2007
Snowy Roads
We got hit today with our first major snowfall of the year. We got about 5 inches, and sitting on top of a layer of ice, it's a little nasty. The first sonwfall is always so beautiful, but that is soon shattered by the cold reality of winter.
I'm still pretty damn sick today, but to avoid any disciplinary action at work, I'm going in tonight. Hopefully when I get there I'll be able to get an early out.
Oh, and by the way, I'm pretty sure that streak in the upper left is actually a shooting star! It only appears in three shots I took, and I took those shots in rapid succession. Pretty cool!
Tuesday, December 04, 2007
Favorite Shots# 21: Crazy Corn Face
I know I've been doing this "Favorite Shots" thing a little often lately, but considering how awful I feel today, I don't feel a bit guilty. I decided to stay home tonight and try to rest. I'll likely get in trouble at work, but at this point, who cares? They're going to lay me off in 2 months, with absolutely no hope at a call back. Does it really matter at this point if I get a write up? Yeah, I didn't think so either. I'm usually not like this when it comes to work. I like to think that the one good thing (and probably the only good thing) that came out of having Dennis for a step-father was my work ethic. He may have been a work-a-holic, but for some reason it stuck with me that it's important to put yourself into your work. I dunno. Maybe I got it from him, maybe I didn't, but the bottom line is I really don't like the fact that Chrysler is driving that out of me. I can't wait to get out.
Oh, the picture! You're probably wondering what the hell it is. All I can tell you is that I think it's a sign for sweet corn. As to why is so incredibly creepy and potentially frightening to small children, I have no answer. I thought it was cool.
Monday, December 03, 2007
Christmas Prep
We've never really decorated that much for Christmas. When we first started living together, we had a full sized tree with all the decorations. That soon went away, as the cats simply would not leave it alone. The tree got smaller and smaller, and now we have this 3' Christmas Shrub that we put up. We have to put it up high so the cats can't get to it, but it's good enough for me.
Sunday, December 02, 2007
Reading Material
Steph and I stopped in at the new Barnes and Noble at Cherryvale Mall on Friday night. I was looking for one book in particular, but ended up getting two. I had heard on NPR about a new translation of Beowulf, and after watching the new movie, decided to pick it up and read it. In the process of browsing, I also discovered the new movie with Will Smith, I Am Legend, is also based on a book. I've been interested in the movie, so I picked up the book so I can compare the two. I really haven't read many books the last couple years, and it felt good last night to sit and read for a couple hours.
Hot Tea
I don't know what it is about hot tea, but the only time I really want to drink it is when I'm sick. Nothing soothes my sore throat like hot tea with a spoonful of honey. I've been feeling pretty crappy for the last 4 days or so, and this weekend has probably been the worst of it. Constant draining sinuses has given me a pretty upset stomach. It should be fun to go to work tomorrow night.
Well, my new project- a family driven blog- has gone live. I've invited my 5 (computer owning) siblings to contribute to the site, and I've also invited my dad. I thought he'd get a kick out of it. It should be a lot of fun to read what everyone else writes.
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