Saturday, October 27, 2007
Catnip Crazy
We have this little plastic tub of catnip that sits on top of a cabinet. It's very dry, and when you shake it, it has a very distinct, rattling sound. When 3 of our 4 cats hear that sound, they come running. It's about the only time I can get Punkin to stay in one area long enough to get a few good shots of him. Since today was pretty run-of-the-mill, I decided to throw down some catnip and fire off about 50 shots.
Well, the vote passed. I'm sure most of you have read this in the paper already. Our Local Union voted the contract down with 55% no votes, but it just wasn't enough. I updated my resume today and actually sent it off to a few places this afternoon. I'll likely stick it out until the end, but it doesn't hurt to get my name out there. If I get a good enough job, I'll leave right away. They didn't allow me to give Belvedere 2 weeks notice, why should I do that for them?
Friday, October 26, 2007
Night Leaves
I was taking out the trash tonight, when I looked up, and this is what I saw. Those beautiful orange leaves against that pitch black sky was just begging to be photographed. I don't really feel this shot even does it justice. I really love the way everything looks this time of year. All these reds, oranges, and browns is really beautiful.
We had our meeting about the contract today. The meeting ran about 3 hours, and nothing in that meeting was said that even came close to changing my "no" vote. I don't really think it makes a difference at this point, but at least my vote is in there. I did learn two things of importance today. First, an International rep accidentally let slip that third shift is indeed slated to be shut down. After realizing by the stunned crowd that this had not yet been officially announced, he quickly backpedaled and tried to change the subject. No one bought it. I don't know when it will happen, but I should know soon. The second thing I learned is that any job openings at the plant will be filled by ETEs first, after all seniority employees have returned to work. This may seem unimportant since they're shutting down the third shift, but they also announced there will be more severance and retirement packages available early next year. Hopefully many, many people will take them, so I can get back into the plant asap.
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Favorite Shots #17: U.S. Cellular Field
I miss baseball. Working as much as I did this past season, I wasn't able to go to one Sox game at all. With the World Series on right now, I want to watch it, but I just can't bring myself to watch a Colorado vs Boston game. It was a rough season for us Sox fans, but as I've said many times, and probably will say many more, wait until next year!
Things aren't looking good at work. The contract is all but passed, with our voting to begin tomorrow morning. There was a meeting with top International brass today, and many are speculating that 3rd shift will be no more by the end of December. It's looking like that may be true. They have to give us 60 days notice, so if it is true, I should find out very soon.
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
The New "Office"
We finally moved that behemoth of a desk out of the house. We took it out Saturday afternoon, so now we can start getting what used to be the office ready to be a nursery. This is what is passing for an office now. Tucked into a corner in the front of the house, to say this area is bit cramped would be an understatement. I guess it's better than nothing, but it was nice to have my "own" room. We still have a lot of work to do to get the spare room ready for the baby, but this at least was a start.
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
I was listening to a fascinating podcast yesterday. It was NPR's Fresh Air, and they were talking to an expert on migraine headaches. It's ironic, since today I was hit with a doosie. You know, the kind that regardless of what you take, it refuses to go away? Yeah, one of those. I'm sitting here writing this, my head throbing, wondering how I'm going to make it through the night. I guess I'll have to tough it out.
The contract ratification was hit with another serious blow tonight. A series of plants in Kokomo, Indiana, voted overwhelmingly against the tentative agreement. The Local 685 represents over 5,000 people, roughly 72% of which voted against the contract.
Monday, October 22, 2007
Fungus Among Us
Last year the tree outside our back porch developed this odd growth that we assumed to be a fungus. Well, it looks like it has re-emerged this year, and it's as odd-looking as ever. It has this spongy, somewhat solid texture, and last year it got quite large. I don't know if it's deadly to the tree or not, but I'l certainly keep an eye on it. Gross.
Looks like we'll be voting on the contract this Friday. The opposition to this deal has been pretty widespread, and it looks as if our plant is one of the keys to getting it voted down. If that is the case, there's no doubt it won't be ratified. Over 20% of our workforce is "temporary," and we all get to vote. I'll keep you all informed.
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Back to Work
Well, the 2 week shut down has come to an end. I wish I had been able to relax a little more, but with all the turmoil surrounding the contract situation, it's been difficult. I have to go in early tonight, but I don't mind. On the heels of the terrible contract news, this week I've been bombarded with stories about local unions rejecting this contract. It's really amazing to me this is happening, but it doesn't surprise me too much, considering the details. It's looking more and more that Belvidere Assembly will be a very important part of the ratification vote. Three plants were singled out. One voted today and rejected it, one votes tomorrow or Tuesday, and it looks as if we're the last to vote. It should be interesting to see how the International tries to pursuade us in the direction they want. I aint buying.
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