Saturday, January 13, 2007

Day Seven: Paint and Prep

Wow! What a difference a day makes. Steph and her Mom did a wonderful job finishing up with the painting, and we're ready to put in the cabinets. We went to Lowe's and picked up the counter tops today, and everything is a-okay. There was a little scare at the store when they couldn't find them right away, but eventually the rocket scientist looking for them realized that it was damn near impossible to not see a 10' counter top with our name all over it. Go figure. We had to unpack and bring in everything from the garage so the cabinets could expand at room temperature. It's pretty cold here right now, so if they were put in cold, after they heated to room temperature, they could potentially expand and crack. That's not so good. We should have nearly everything in tomorrow with the finishing touches being done on Monday. I can't wait!

That's my cat Punkin (Punk for short, and man is that appropriate) in the bottom of the shot. I took about 10 shots in the Kitchen, and he somehow managed to find his way into about 6 or 7 of them . He's just dying to become an internet celebrity.

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