Thursday, January 18, 2007


This is shot of my "bedside table". As you can see, my interests lie in the realm of total geek. Before I got to bed, I usually read a little or play my DS Lite. I'm playing a game called Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney, and it's brilliant. It's basically an interactive novel where the player takes on the role of a fledgling attorney, fresh out of law school. You have to interview suspects, obtain evidence, and question witnesses in the courtroom scenes. Very unique, and very interesting. Anyway, this has been my idea of reading lately. Not to mention the comics.... I highly recommend Civil War to anyone. VERY good. Since I' a day sleeper, that mask comes in handy. I look like some kind of rejected super hero, but it works. I told a guy at work I used one and he said, "I thought only women used those!" Yeah.


Anonymous said...

Look at that doiley ... what a dork!

Anonymous said...

I've been thinking about wearing a mask like that too, only to save myself from looking into the Dad

Anonymous said...

I want Steph to take a photo of you with that mask on!! -ha, ha