Friday, January 05, 2007


Today was the last time I'll have to do that. Starting Saturday, we're having a new kitchen put in. Drywall, cabinets, counter tops, dishwasher, the whole works. We're pretty excited. As you can see, the counter tops are a truly horrid brown faux marble textured laminate, and they are falling apart. The cabinets are all in okay shape, but some of the drawers aren't working and most are actually plastic. Really cheap stuff, but the house used to be a rental, so we're not too surprised. I'll be posting pictures of the destruction starting Saturday.


Anonymous said...

I am SO JEALOUS. Although all I really want are the new cabinets. And the FROG.

Can I have the FROG when you remodel?

I'm so glad you're doing this b/c I imagine your voice when I read your blog & it's like we're having a conversation. I miss you (always) and am so glad you're doing this.

Even if I can't read daily I'll catch up on the weekends. KEEP IT UP! -Kathie

Anonymous said...

I really do like that frog.

It's so RETRO.