Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Breaking Rules

In the composition of photography, and in composition in general, there is something known as the Rule of Thirds. This is a basic fundamental of photography, and many believe that in order for a photograph to be a good one, this is a rule that cannot be broken. To hell with that. Looking at this shot, you could say that vertically I'm following the rule, but I did a couple of things that normally shouldn't be done. The subject is centered in the the shot, and the corner of the wall is directly behind it, seeming to sprout from it's head. Following the theme of yesterdays post, here's what I was thinking as I composed this shot.

I wanted to create a lot of space above the subject to make it appear small and insignificant. At the same time, I feel that having the straight line "emanating" from its head makes me feel like this is a holy icon. The centering of the subject gives it importance and balance.

One thing important I took away from the few photography classes I took was that sometimes you need to go against the grain and break the rules.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love the Buddha- great color combo.