Saturday, March 31, 2007

We Play!

Tonight, being the last day of the month, is usually reserved for my "Month in Review" series. However, I had something cool to shoot, so I'll put that off for tomorrow.

Our good friends Cory and Harmony paid us a visit today. We had a good grilled chicken dinner (Steph had a soysage), talked for a while, then played Wii for the rest of the night. What a blast! It's great to get four people together and play bowling and tennis. Everyone had a great time.

Harmony, laughed in every shot except this one
Me (Jason)
Cory, Nice form!
Steph, Bowling Ninja

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What no mention of Emily? She's very hurt you know. Next time she wants to be in the picture too. Cory