Sunday, July 08, 2007

Fruit, Veggies, and Outages

Every week, when at the grocery store, I try to think of different things to bring to work for lunches. Oftentimes, just like at dinner, I find myself eating the same things over and over. I try to get as many fresh fruits and vegetables as I can, but Woodmans' produce leaves much to be desired. I'm looking forward to going to some local farmers markets this summer to hopefully find some better produce.

Well, we had another mass outage today. It actually started at about 1:40 am, went until 6 am, went out again sometime around 2:00 pm, then came back on about an hour ago. I called customer service again today, and actually got someone competent! What a shock! He was telling me that it was ridiculous that we've been having this problem since May and that it had not been fixed yet (tell me about it!). He gathered together all the info and charts showing the outages and forwarded then on to his supervisor. He will then send them to the local service office, who hopefully will get it fixed sooner rather than later. He's also supposed to call to update us within the next 48 hours. This guy was so good that he even got our account credited back to the start of the problems. He did this not only for the internet, but he also got us a $40 credit for our cable which we haven't even had much of a problem with! We should be getting over $100 in credit. That's really nice, but I'd rather just have my internet working, thank you. He also canceled the service appointment for Friday, since it's pretty obvious that this is a massive problem for the whole town, and not just with us. I guess the moral here is that if you keep calling and calling, eventually you'll get lucky enough to talk to someone who gives a shit.

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