Friday, July 06, 2007

Mass Outages

The past month or so, we’ve been experiencing major problems with our internet connection. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t, but there isn’t a day that goes by that we don’t have at least one outage. This is unacceptable. We’re paying over $40 a month for this service, and I expect to get my money’s worth. I’ve called customer service about four times, and each time they give me some other line of B.S. It’s always well over a week before they can get a service tech out here, and oftentimes, when I call, there is an outage in most of the town. Why do they need to send a tech here if it’s a mass outage? The first time we scheduled an appointment, the guy showed up well after I had gone to bed, and after that day, we really didn’t have problems for about a week, so I thought it had been fixed. Not even close. We’ve scheduled another appointment, but of course the tech wont be able to get here until next Friday. The worst part of all this is that there are no alternatives to Mediacom in our area. I could always go back to Directv for the television, but there are virtually no other companies present out here for internet. There is a company called T6 Wireless which is a provider out here, but the prices are through the roof, and when my cable connection is actually working, my download speeds are well over 5 Mb/s. I guess we’ll have to tough it out and hope they’ll eventually get it fixed....

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