Friday, August 24, 2007

Favorite Shots #14: Whoah!!

This is a shot I took while visiting California in July. I haven't shown this to anyone yet, because at the time, this was a pretty traumatic experience for my sister Kathie and little Noah. The next wave coming in behind him nearly went over his head, and the surf actually began to pull him deeper down the coast. At the time it was pretty scary, but I really love this shot. The look of surprise on his face is just priceless. I felt a little ashamed because by the time I realized he was in trouble, I had snapped a couple pictures already. I really should have been in the water helping my pregnant sister, but it happened so quickly, I was taken completely off guard. He was obviously alright, and now I feel enough time has passed for me to show this to Kathie without her freaking out again. Love ya sis!

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