Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Meditation May Be Needed

This has been one hell of a week. It all began with the Chrysler B.S. I've been stressing over that for more than a week now, but it really began on Monday when it became official that I wouldn't be hired in. To pile it on, I found out today that my Grandma Alexander has been in the hospital since Monday! Not only is she pretty damn sick, she's gotten progressively worse over the last three days, and no one bothered to tell me about it until today. I felt like my head would explode. Steph and I went to the hospital to visit her, and she does look pretty bad. I think she'll be okay, but it's shocking to see her like that. She just looks so old. I know she's 78, but when someone you've known all your life gets to that point, it's distressing, to say the least.

I was stressing pretty bad on the way to the hospital, and Steph suggested the I learn how to meditate. I'm pretty sure it would help me calm down, but I'll be fine once things around me calm down a bit. This week has been rough.

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