Sunday, November 18, 2007

Favorite Shots#19: Infrared Punkin in the Grass

Back in May, I talked about shooting infrared film for a class project. It was a really great experience shooting the film, processing it, then making my own prints. I shot 2 rolls, 72 shots, and only got four great shots. The film is so sensitive and finicky, you really have to shoot a lot to get something great. This shot is one of the great ones. The original scan wasn't the greatest, but through the magic of Photoshop, I was able to clean it up and make it look much better.

Back to work tonight. Another 10 hours of fun. Fortunately, this is only a three day week. The job search continues, and I sent off my resume over the weekend to two more places. One in Sycamore, one in Rockford. Hopefully I'll have an interview again soon.

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