Saturday, November 24, 2007

Shooting You, Shooting Me

Deja vu! I have seen this somewhere before.... Apparently, this is something Cory and I do often enough that I now have a few shots like this. Oh, and for the record, I got off 5 shots to his 1.... Figure that thing out, dude!

Tonight I had a nice dinner over at Cory and Harmony's house. There were a few of us there, including Rich, Brandy, Mia and Addison, Tim James, and our hosts, Cory, Harmony, Emily, and Brook. Steph wasn't able to join us, but it was probably for the better. She's been sick for about a week now, and the last thing I would want to see is those little girls getting ill. It was really nice to see everyone again, especially Rich and Brandy, who I rarely get to see anymore. We talked a little about Belvedere Company, and I told Tim to pass it on that I'd come back to build the Mirage. I was only half kidding.... :)

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